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Rozpoutejte totální chaos v Meeple City. Staňte se hrozivým monstrem, které rozšlapává budovy, odfoukává auta a požírá nebohé obyvatele.
Více informací již brzy.
Welcome to Meeple City!
Throw yourself into the fray !
But watch your teeth, you're not the only monster in town!
Four hungry monsters come to Meeple City to demolish the town. Bursted out, they tear apart the asphalt, they hurl cars and destroy buildings. The innocent people who did not have time to escape are devoured. But the monsters take care of their body and ensure to eat different people : hero, journalists, servicemen, blondes, businessmen, old men. No one will escape their cravings !
Whoever has caused the most damages to the end of the carnage will be the winner! But beware, monsters have more than one trick up their sleeve! Their personalities and their super powers are valuable assets in this race to destruction!
(vyhrazujeme si právo měnit tyto popisy a specifikace bez předchozího upozornění)